Mature Quotes - Page 2

Argument does not teach children or the immature. Only time and experience does that.
Doris May Lessing (1988). “The making of the representative for Planet 8”, Vintage
Anne Bishop (1998). “Daughter of the Blood: The Black Jewels Trilogy”, p.280, Penguin
Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
Rebel Passion (1964) ch. 1
Massachusetts. Board of Education, Horace Mann (1849). “The Massachusetts System of Common Schools: Being an Enlarged and Rev. Ed of the Tenth Annual Report of the First Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education”, p.80
1920 The Sacred Wood,'Philip Massinger'.
Charles Webster Leadbeater (2007). “Vegetarianism and Occultism”, p.6, Cosimo, Inc.
The Bible was composed in such a way that as beginners mature, its meaning grows with them.
Saint Augustine, Henry Chadwick (2008). “The Confessions”, p.40, Oxford Paperbacks
Miyamoto Musashi (2013). “The Book of Five Rings - The Bestselling, Classic Samurai Guide to Strategy”, p.5, Lulu Press, Inc
"Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?". Essay by Immanuel Kant, 1784.