
Mosaics Quotes

A narrow and distorted picture of America often emerges from the televised news. A single dramatic piece of the mosaic becomes, in the minds of millions, the entire picture.

John R. Coyne, Spiro T. Agnew (1972). “The Impudent Snobs: Agnew Vs. the Intellectual Establishment”, New Rochelle, N.Y. : Arlington House

Everyone should unconditionally accept that Israel is an indispensable element of the Middle Eastern mosaic.

"Democracy in the Middle East, PluralIism in Europe: Turkish View". The Turkish Weekly, October 12, 2004.

The true faith discovered was When painted panel, statuary, Glass-mosaic, window-glass, Amended what was told awry By some peasant gospeler.

William Butler Yeats (1997). “The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats: Volume I: The Poems, 2nd Edition”, p.223, Simon and Schuster

It is only in the case of the Priestly Code that opinions differ widely; for it tries hard to imitate the costume of the Mosaic period, and, with whatever success, to disguise its own.

Julius Wellhausen (2013). “Prolegomena to the History of Israel: With a Reprint of the Article 'Israel' from the Encyclopaedia Britannica”, p.9, Cambridge University Press

The map of what we call reality is an ever-shifting mosaic of ideas.

Marcelo Gleiser (2014). “The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning”, p.14, Basic Books