And the first five places are filled by five different cars.
Look up there! That's the sky!
Unless I am very much mistaken...I AM very much mistaken...!
There are many different types of prioritites in Motor Racing, the first...being how much you are willing to sacrifice in order to get to where you want to go.
Rally points scoring is twenty for the fastest, eighteen for the second fastest, right down to six points for the slowest fastest.
And there's the man in the green flag!
And Damon Hill is following Damon Hill.
And there's no damage to the car. Except to the car itself.
The European drivers have adapted to this circuit extremely quickly, especially Paul Radisich who's a New Zealander.
Motor racing's less of a sport these days than a commercial break doing 150 mph.
As you can see, visually, with your eyes.
That's the first time he had started from the front row in a Grand Prix, having done so in Canada earlier this year.
I was there when I said it.
Let's stop the startwatch.
Jean Alesi is 4th and 5th.
As you look at the first four, the significant thing is that Alboreto is fifth.
It's lap 26 of 58, which unless I'm very much mistaken is half way.
Do my eyes deceive me, or is Senna's Lotus sounding rough?
Gilles was the fastest driver in the history of motor racing
I didn't see the time, largely because there wasn't one.
Villeneuve is now twelve seconds ahead of Villeneuve.
Of course he did it voluntarily, but he had to do it.
The tires are called wets, because they're used in the wet. And these tires are called slicks, because they're very slick.
I told my nephew that if he wanted to get on in motor racing, the first thing he should do was master English. Thank goodness he now speaks it.
Balance, or drivability, and the ability to accelerate while cornering are more important than maximum cornering power - every time. Until you reach teh top levels of professional motor racing you will achieve more results by optimizing the package that you have than by redesigning it.