Museums Quotes - Page 7
We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of shifting shapes, that pile of broken mirrors.
Jorge Luis Borges (2000). “Selected Poems”, Penguin Group USA
Chrystos (1988). “Not vanishing”, Press Gang Pub
Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.62, Macmillan
Robert Smithson, Jack D. Flam (1996). “Robert Smithson, the Collected Writings”, p.41, Univ of California Press
Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Amma (2014). “Living In Harmony”, p.31, M A Center
I seldom go into a natural history museum without feeling as if I were attending a funeral.
John Burroughs (1904). “The Writings of John Burroughs: Indoor studies”