
Mutation Quotes

Engaging it produces an intense force, which in turn produces a mutation in consciousness. You become who you really are.

Jean Houston (1987). “The Search for the Beloved: Journeys in Mythology and Sacred Psychology”, Tarcher

Language thus becomes monumental because of the mutations of advertising

Robert Smithson, Jack D. Flam (1996). “Robert Smithson, the Collected Writings”, p.61, Univ of California Press

There is nothing exempt from the peril of mutation; the earth, heavens, and whole world is thereunto subject.

Sir Walter Raleigh (1751). “The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh: Kt. Political, Commercial, and Philosophical; Together with His Letters and Poems. The Whole Never Before Collected Together, and Some Never Yet Printed. To which is Prefix'd, a New Account of His Life by Tho. Birch”, p.93