
Lionel Trilling Quotes

Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.

Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.

In Esquire Sept. 1962. Cf. Igor Stravinsky 210:16

Our culture peculiarly honors the act of blaming, which it takes as the sign of virtue and intellect.

Lionel Trilling (2012). “The Liberal Imagination”, p.245, New York Review of Books

Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood.

Lionel Trilling (2012). “The Liberal Imagination”, p.259, New York Review of Books

What marks the artist is his power to shape the material of pain we all have.

Lionel Trilling, Leon Wieseltier (2009). “The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent: Selected Essays”, p.99, Northwestern University Press

It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

"A Gathering of Fugitives: New Essays (The Novel Alive or Dead)". Book by Lionel Trilling, 1956.

The poet is in command of his fantasy, while it is exactly the mark of the neurotic that he is possessed by his fantasy.

Lionel Trilling (2012). “The Liberal Imagination”, p.45, New York Review of Books

At the bottom of at least popular Marxism there has always been a kind of disgust with humanity as it is and a perfect faith in humanity as it is to be.

Lionel Trilling, Leon Wieseltier (2009). “The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent: Selected Essays”, p.31, Northwestern University Press

There is no connection between the political ideas of our educated class and the deep places of the imagination.

Lionel Trilling (2012). “The Liberal Imagination”, p.99, New York Review of Books