I love being with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend.
I just broke up with my boyfriend, and I've been spending more time alone than I'd like.
My boyfriend says I dress like a rock star but I would say my style is hip and comfortable.
I, um, I have this problem. I broke up with my boyfriend, you see. And I'm pretty upset about it, so I wanted to talk to my best friend. [...] The thing is, they're both you.
Otherwise, I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's home in the country, in New Jersey.
I want an iPhone 5, someone said something nasty on twitter, or my boyfriend isn't texting me back, like whatever the thing is that seems so major in your life, when a real disaster hits you suddenly strips it all away and you see what's really important and who you really are.
I love singing - singing is what I'm famous for doing. Now it's turned into things I am famous for doing - like having rows with my mum or about my boyfriend, so it does get irritating.
Sometimes my boyfriend would write the lyrics and I would write the melody, and other times I would start from scratch. Or sometimes I would take a local poem and put that to music...I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren't as easy to sing.
If my boyfriend finds me sexy, then I don't need that kind of male attention from anyone else.
When I was little, I think that I wanted Superman to be my boyfriend.
I loved when my boyfriends would call me their Amazon girl.
My boyfriends have all been as stoical as queen's guards. They'd been patient, committed, and dispassionate, and I'd had to really debase myself to extract any emotion, either grin or grimace, from them.
After 10 years of eating vegetarian, I tried my boyfriend's. I was overwhelmed. It was orgasmic.
I guess I would be most grateful for my family and my friends and my dogs, my boyfriend. I'm grateful for a lot. I'm grateful to be healthy.
I went through a period when I was about 19 where I'd go tanning with my boyfriend in tanning beds. Yes, this was actually a thing we used to do together. They were not my friend. I had no idea what I was doing. We all went in the early 2000s. Needless to say, I don't go anymore. If I need a quick fix, I get a spray tan - though it's never a good idea for me with my fair skin.
I desperately want children. I want like four of them. But I will never have them, I mean at least with the current circumstances, living with my boyfriend.
My parents listened to the Outlaws when I was a kid and I just had no interest in it. But my boyfriend at the time listened to Hank Williams III, and I thought that was really cool because he was singing about whatever he wanted to but it was very country.
My God, I'm so in love with my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is Italian and from New Jersey, so naturally he was thrilled to meet Joe Pesci.
My boyfriend asked me to tell a story without my hands, and I couldn't talk.
I come alive when I look into my boyfriend's eyes, when I embrace him, when I hold his hand and I am completely present and appreciative of all his love.
It doesn't bother me if my boyfriend gets a lap dance when I'm there. I'm secure with myself so whats the big deal?
My boyfriend is a chef, so he cooks for me, but I cook too. The only time I felt pressure was when he asked how I wanted vegetables chopped, so I described in sizes whereas he knows the right words. I felt a bit daft then.
I want to get an abortion. But my boyfriend and I are having trouble conceiving.
My boyfriend suggested I write two pages a day. He wouldn't take me out if I hadn't done my two pages. That's how I wrote my second novel.