
My Girlfriend Quotes

I don't date my girlfriend because she's a model. I date her because I love her.

I don't date my girlfriend because she's a model. I date her because I love her.

"Inside Adam Levine's Private Life". Interview With Mickey Rapkin, November 10, 2011.

I never broke up with my girlfriends, they broke up with me.

"The Complex 7: Ricky Hatton & Manny Pacquiao". Complex Interview, May 2, 2009.

My girlfriend doesn't think I'm funny at all.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

I've stayed good friends with most of my girlfriends.

"Changing Gere". Interview with Andrew Goldman, April 24, 2007.

What calmed me down finally was when my girlfriend got pregnant.

Interview with Kyle Ryan, September 20, 2006.

I love getting a smile out of my girlfriend - that makes me feel like I'm seen, or heard.

Interview with Maranda Pleasant, August 01, 2014.

My girlfriend is an angel." -Xavier

Alexandra Adornetto (2010). “Halo”, p.205, Macmillan