I have a chaperone everywhere I go - my mom.
My own momma turned her back on me, and that's my momma.
I fell in love with words and I think that made my mom smile. I think that was cool for her.
My mom used to tell me, 'I live every day of my life for you.' I understand that now. The older I get, the more I understand.
I have a very close relationship with my mom, and I'm able to talk to her about anything.
My mom reminds me that all things are possible.
My mom raised me to never have anything control me.
My mom is this liberal, feminist, Mormon powerhouse. I just love her to death.
Everything I am is because of my mom.
My mom put me in a Pampers commercial on TV.
One time my mom tried to ground me, but that lasted 15 minutes.
My mom's Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful.
I'm all right, not as good as my mom is. Maybe because I don't have kids.
Oh, my mom. She's one of my biggest fans.
I told my mom I would graduate. I owe that much to her and myself.
It's always been my mom and I against the world.
My mom and I have always been really close. She’s always been the friend that was always there.
My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.
My mom is a sculptress.
I'm a really bad liar. My mom finds out every time, especially now that she's got Facebook.
I love my mom to death.
My mom doesn't get the whole gay thing, but she loves me.
My mom was definitely very strict with me.
My mom told me when I was younger that when you jack off all of your dead relatives are watching. But then I figured who were they going to tell.
My mom has always wished me a daughter just like me.