We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.
You can start over again! Don't even think about quitting now! It is easy to replay in your mind how things did not work, how much you lost, what you are going through, how angry you are. There is no amount of conversation or magic that is going to wipe the slate clean. You are wasting valuable time and energy that could be used to regain a new normal and start another version of your life. Even though you are hurt and you may be feeling down — stop kicking yourself! Face what has happened. Make the decision to start over again.
Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal any way we want.
The world is on a bumpy journey to a new destination and the New Normal.
We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.
It's a new normal and I really do think that global weirding is the best way to describe what we're seeing.
Weather Panic! This is the New Normal (and We're Hopelessly Unprepared)
What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits. But they're learned to do more with less, and so they don't hire.
We can't allow ourselves to become inured to terrorist attacks to see it as the new normal.
Ellen Barkin, your upcoming TV show ‘The New Normal’ premiers on September 11th. September 11th, that sounds about right. Every clip I’ve seen feels like I’m watching a third tower collapse.
The final act of an unraveling society isn't immoral behavior; it's canonizing immoral behavior as a 'new normal' and celebrating it as a 'moral victory.'
You know when I was 20 and 30, they were insecurities. Now they're just a new normal. I'm 60 years old, so my expectations of who I am and how I look and how I show up in the world had to shift. Not because I couldn't help it, or not because I did anything wrong, but because I had to get into the natural flow of my being as a woman.
When the internet came along, everybody said it would mean the death of television, newspapers. There is a dip, and it comes back to a new normal. We're in the dip; we're waiting to see what the new normal is.
I still sing. I don't know if I'm going to sing on 'Glee' or 'New Normal.
On The New Normal the thing I was probably more proud of than anything else is that we were just trying to put positive energy out there in the world, and we got to do it for one season and that's more than most.
I think President [Barack] Obama is exactly right, we need to combat [gun shoots] because this really can become the new normal, but that`s really what`s been happening.
Every startup CEO should understand Gamification, because gaming is the new normal.