
Organization Quotes - Page 78

Most of us entered journalism and joined "news organizations" because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

"The 'Live TV' Suicide: Forgive Shep Smith, But Boycott Buzzfeed" by David Shuster, September 30, 2012.

People working for a news organization, even those with a point of view, are supposed to exercise independent judgment.

"Donna Brazile's Resignation Illustrates Cable TV's Pundit Problem". "All Things Considered" with Audie Cornish, November 2, 2016.

Organizations may be better able to tame optimism than individuals are.

"Bias, Blindness and How We Truly Think (Part 1): Daniel Kahneman" by Daniel Kahneman, November 30, 2011.