
Ottawa Quotes

In Washington they have their hawks and doves and in Ottawa we have our parrots.

In Washington they have their hawks and doves and in Ottawa we have our parrots.

Tommy Douglas' remarks on Canadians policy on the Vietnam War during a debate at the House of Commons, February 13, 1967.

If Ottawa giveth, then Ottawa can taketh away.

"National Post" Newspaper, December 8, 2000.

My family was a good family, I had a great Canadian education and I came up in a great, little town like Ottawa.

"Paul Anka, the original Canadian idol". Interview with Ben Rayner, April 16, 2013.

On a craggy bluff above the majestic Ottawa River stands the remarkable embodiment of our system of governance: Parliament.

John Allen Fraser (1993). “The House of Commons at Work”, Montréal : Éditions de la Chenelière