Past Quotes - Page 64

Dainin Katagiri (2008). “Each Moment Is the Universe: Zen and the Way of Being Time”, p.174, Shambhala Publications
C. Wright Mills (2000). “The Sociological Imagination”, p.196, Oxford University Press
Theodore Gordon (1947). “The Complete Fly Fisherman”
Time past and time future allow but a little consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time.
1935 Four Quartets,'Burnt Norton', pt.2.
Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Anna Freud, Carrie Lee Rothgeb (1961). “The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud”
Robert Falcon Scott, Leonard Huxley (1913). “Scott's Last Expedition ...: Vol. I. Being the Journals of Captain R. F. Scott, R. N., C. V. O. Vol II. Being the Reports of the Journeys and the Scientific Work Undertaken by Dr. E. A. Wilson and the Surviving Members of the Expedition, Arranged by Leonard Huxley; with a Preface by Sir Clements R. Markham ... With Photogravure Frontispieces, 6 Original Sketches in Photogravure by Dr. E. A. Wilson, 18 Coloured Plates (16 from Drawings by Dr. Wilson), 260 Full Page and Smaller Illustrations from Photographs Taken by Herbert C. Ponting and Other Members of the Expedition, Panoramas and Maps ...”
Norman Ernest Borlaug (1971). “Mankind and Civilization at Another Crossroad”