
Patience Quotes - Page 16

If you are wholly perplexed and in straits, have patience, for patience is the key to joy.

"Rumi Daylight: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance". Book by Rumi, translated by Camille Adams Helminsk and Kabir Helminski, 1990.

All men are made one for another: either then teach them better or bear with them.

Marcus Aurelius (2016). “Meditations (Diversion Classics)”, p.165, Diversion Books

All things come round to him who will but wait.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edwin Edwards (1871). “The Poetical Works of H. W. Longfellow. Edited, with a Critical Memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Illustrated ... by E. Edwards”, p.317

God, teach me to be patient, teach me to go slow

Helen Steiner Rice, Virginia Ruehlmann (2004). “The Poems and Prayers of Helen Steiner Rice”, p.222, Revell

The work that God does in us when we wait is usually more important than the thing for which we wait!

Erwin W. Lutzer (2007). “When You've Been Wronged: Moving From Bitterness to Forgiveness”, p.45, Moody Publishers

A high hope for a low heaven: God grant us patience!

William Shakespeare, John Payne Collier (1853). “The Works: The Text Formed from an Entirely New Collation of the Old Editions: with the Various Readings, Notes, a Life of the Poet, and a History of the Early English Stage. Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays, from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier : forming a supplemental volume ...”, p.82