Phantom Tollbooth Quotes
The only thing you can do easily is be wrong, and that's hardly worth the effort.
Expect everything, I always say, and the unexpected never happens.
Have you ever heard a blindfolded octopus unwrap a cellophane-covered bathtub?
What you can do is often simply a matter of what you will do.
Infinity is a dreadfully poor place. They can never manage to make ends meet.
Expectations is the place you must always go to before you get to where you're going.
But just because you can never reach it, doesn’t mean that it’s not worth looking for.
Why not? That's a good reason for almost anything - a bit used perhaps, but still quite serviceable.
The way you see things depends a great deal on where you look at them from.
...I'll continue to see things as a child. It's not so far to fall.