Portions Quotes - Page 2
Sitting Bull, Mark Diedrich (1998). “Sitting Bull: The Collected Speeches”
Voltaire (2016). “VOLTAIRE’S ROMANCES: 20+ Novels, Short Stories, Satires & Fables (Illustrated): Candide, Zadig, The Huron, Plato's Dream, Micromegas, The White Bull, The Princess of Babylon, The Sage and the Atheist, The Man of Forty Crowns, Bababec, Ancient Faith and Fable, The Study of Nature…”, p.166, e-artnow
"Mary Ann Mobley: going public about a private disease". Saturday Evening Post Interview with Cory SerVaas, January 1, 1994.
Not indolence but congenial work is man's Divinely allotted portion.
Joseph Herman Hertz (1936). “Hamishah Humshe Torah Im Ha-Hafterot: Genesis”
George Herbert (1836). “The works of George Herbert. containing Parentalia, the 2nd copy wanting the 1st sheet of vol.2].”, p.143
The laws of a nation form the most instructive portion of its history
Edward Gibbon, Henry Hart Milman (1840). “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, p.235
David Ricardo (1817). “On the Principles of political economy and taxation”, p.251, Library of Alexandria
All things are taken from us, and become Portions and parcels of the dreadful past.
Alfred Tennyson Tennyson, Baron, Alfred Lord Tennyson (2014). “Fifty Poems”, p.78, Cambridge University Press