David Ricardo Quotes
There is no way of keeping profits up but by keeping wages down.
Nothing contributes so much to the prosperity and happiness of a country as high profits.
There can be no rise in the value of labour without a fall of profits.
The farmer and manufacturer can no more live without profit than the labourer without wages.
The demand for money is regulated entirely by its value, and its value by its quantity.
Money is neither a material to work upon nor a tool to work with.
Labour, like all other things which are purchased and sold... has its natural and its market price.
The exchangeable value of all commodities rises as the difficulties of their production increase.
If a tax on malt would raise the price of beer, a tax on bread must raise the price of bread.
The price of corn will naturally rise with the difficulty of producing the last portions of it.
Every transaction in commerce is an independent transaction.