Prairie Quotes
Laura Ingalls Wilder (1971). “The first four years”
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane (1988). “A Little House sampler”, Univ of Nebraska Pr
One could drive a prairie schooner through any part of his argument and never scrape against a fact.
There is no comfort anywhere for anyone who dreads to go home.
Laura Ingalls Wilder (1969). “Little Town on the Prairie”, Scholastic Incorporated
Kathleen Norris (2001). “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography”, p.69, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Pam Houston (1993). “Cowboys are My Weakness: Stories”
Carl Sandburg (2003). “The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg”, p.362, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt