Principles Quotes - Page 6
Stephen R. Covey (2013). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”, p.125, Simon and Schuster
Jakob Nielsen (2000). “Designing Web Usability”, New Riders Pub
Sinclair Lewis (2015). “Babbitt”, p.68, Sheba Blake Publishing
Neutrality, as a lasting principle, is an evidence of weakness.
Lajos Kossuth (1852). “Kossuth in New England: A Full Account of the Hungarian Governor's Visit to Massachusetts ; with Speeches, and the Addresses that Were Made to Him ...”, p.31
Christopher Hitchens (2004). “Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays”, p.433, Nation Books
"Notes on the State of Virginia". Book by Thomas Jefferson, Query XIII, 1781.
"A Better Way to Live: Og Mandino's Own Personal Story of Success Featuring 17 Rules to Live By".