
Profit Quotes - Page 8

I am a capitalist and I believe in making a profit.

"Felix Rohatyn’s ‘Dealings’" by Robert Teitelman, October 21, 2010.

Everyone knows that where there is something that is capable of giving profit, then exploited it will be.

Doris May Lessing (1979). “Shikasta: re, colonised planet 5 : personal, psychological, historical documents relating to visit by Johor (George Sherban) emissary (grade 9) 87th of the period of the last days”, Knopf

The counsel of the dead is not profitable to the living.

Ursula K. Le Guin (2012). “The Farthest Shore”, p.69, Simon and Schuster

Beethoven and Michelangelo, who sold their artworks for profit, were entrepreneurs and capitalists.

Tyler COWEN, Tyler Cowen (2009). “In Praise of Commercial Culture”, p.3, Harvard University Press