Ever since I've been racing, I've always been the young guy.
I'm sure that all the drivers and motorcycle police had once been racing drivers and were eager to get back to that profession.
My mind is always racing with ideas or things I should be doing.
NASCAR racing provides more brand awareness and interest than any of the other major sports. The opportunities to build business-to-business relationships within the racing community are endless.
There was a day when you could identify a NASCAR Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge and they actually looked like "stock cars." Now they are pod machines, slick on the outside but still powered by the same Neanderthal carbureted pushrod V-8s that have been under their hoods for half a century. If this is real auto racing, then the WWF ought to be part of the Olympics.
Racing shirts should be sold on big, thick rolls like paper towels.
The slow boat-I know it's the slow boat because I've been watching them for thirty-three weeks-won the first piece by a full length. Then the fast boat won the second piece. And so it went for the next four pieces, back and forth. Conclusion: I hate seat racing.
I love horses. I spent seven years as a racing commissioner on a horse-racing board.
The lower classes are such fools. They waste their money on the pools. I bet, of course, but that's misleading. One must encourage bloodstock breeding.
If you are always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in.
Even as I speak, in four hours time the Kyalami Grand Prix will roar away
I don't see myself racing at 50 years old. I enjoy racing, and that has been my whole life. But one day I will take time to look at other things. I know that everything has an end date, even life, and I also have a family and there are other things to enjoy than trying to be first into the corner and fastest out.
When I was young and ocean-racing competitively, and working the rest of the time, I was going 24 hours. I was on the verge of collapsing. But you've got to slow down a bit.
That's what I love about running - I feel like we all celebrate each other. Even if you're racing somebody at the finish, it's like you're in it together.
I'm strapped in [the barrel] with a five-point drag-racing harness. With 50 feet to go, they tell me on the walkie-talkie to get ready for a head-first. "We love ya, man," was the last thing I heard. Then I could feel myself going over.
Ill never be as good an actor as I want to be....but I'll be good.
Each thing I do, I rush through so I can do something else. In such a way do the days pass - -a blend of stock car racing and the never ending building of a gothic cathedral. Through the windows of my speeding car I see all that I love falling away: books unread, jokes untold, landscapes unvisited.
And I guess the thing that I really sort of rely on in me is that I love racing and I love competing and so I know that you know when the time comes and the pressure's on and I have to swim well, I'm sort of able to pull it out and sort of get the best out of myself.
I think the best way is to forget about racing people and just find territory that's fresh.
Finding a sponsor is the toughest part of racing, tougher than driving.
I've decided to retire from top class racing. It has been an incredible experience and has provided with me some unforgettable moments.
I love racing and I love doing well.
My focus is definitely on the racing.
Racing, for me and for most people that watch it, it's about personalities.
As a journalist, I've felt as if it's a privilege that people share their stories and want you to be the messenger.... Even in my current job, when I go abroad, I'm racing to get back to the president and the secretary to share what I've seen.