Railroads Quotes
I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.
Quoted in Lyde Cullen Sizer, Divided Houses (1992)
John Moody (1921). “The Railroad Builders: A Chronicle of the Welding of the States”
A railroad is like a lie you have to keep building it to make it stand.
Mark Twain, Caroline Thomas Harnsberger (2009). “Mark Twain at Your Fingertips: A Book of Quotations”, p.394, Courier Corporation
The true pioneer of civilization is not the newspaper, not religion, not the railroad - but whiskey!
I know Mother named me after a railroad man, but it's too late now, I'm afraid. Much, much too late.
Hoagy Carmichael, Stephen Longstreet (1965). “Sometimes I Wonder: The Story of Hoagy Carmichael”
Nothing was more up-to-date when it was built, or is more obsolete today, than the railroad station.
"Jay Gould: A Character Sketch" by William T. Stead, The Review of Reviews, February 1893.
Walden ch. 2 (1854)
Once I built a railroad; now it's done. Brother, can you spare a dime?
"Song: Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" (1930) performed as part of the play "New Americana", 1932.