
Reacting Quotes

God’s wrath is his righteousness reacting against unrighteousness.

J.I. Packer (2011). “Knowing God”, p.165, Hachette UK

If you don't look at yourself and evaluate it, you instead see how the world's reacting to it.

"Nick Offerman on Parks And Recreation and his comically oversized penis". Interview with Sean O'Neal, July 18, 2012.

By reacting to aggression with aggression we lose the opportunity to spiritually benefit from the experience.

Kyriacos C. Markides (2002). “The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Spirituality”, p.222, Image

See yourself reacting to threats, not by running away or evading them, but by meeting them, dealing with them, grappling with them in an aggressive intelligent manner.

Maxwell Maltz (2016). “Psycho-Cybernetics Deluxe Edition: The Original Text of the Classic Guide to a New Life”, p.74, Penguin

If life were fair, we would never have suffered what we suffered at all; having suffered it and survived, we're still reacting to things that don't exist anymore.

Michelle Sagara (2016). “Michelle Sagara Chronicles of Elantra Vol 3: Cast in Chaos\Cast in Ruin\Cast in Peril”, p.931, MIRA