Religious Quotes - Page 214

Thomas Jefferson (2011). “Jefferson on Freedom: Wisdom, Advice, and Hints on Freedom, Democracy, and the American Way”, p.34, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies: From the Papers of Thomas Jefferson”, p.358
Thomas Jefferson, Joyce Appleby, Terence Ball (1999). “Jefferson: Political Writings”, p.266, Cambridge University Press
Thomas Jefferson (2017). “LETTERS”, p.1202, 右灰文化傳播有限公司可提供下載列印
Thomas Jefferson, Martin Alfred Larson (1981). “Jefferson: Magnificent Populist”, Robert B Luce
Thomas Jefferson (1853). “The writings of Thomas Jefferson: being his autobiography, correspondence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, official and private”, p.541
Thomas Jefferson, Richard Holland Johnston, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States (1904). “The writings of Thomas Jefferson”
Thomas Jefferson (1829). “Memoirs, 4: Correspondence and Private Papers”, p.209
Thomas Jefferson, Richard Holland Johnston, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”
Thomas Henry Huxley (1892). “Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions”
The only religious way to think of death is as part and parcel of life.
"The Magic Mountain". Book by Thomas Mann, 1924.
Thomas Berry, Thomas Mary Berry (2006). “Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community”, Counterpoint LLC
'De Imitatione Christi' bk. 1, ch. 19, sect. 2
"Song: 'Street Spirit (Fade Out)' ('The Bends')". 1995.
Theodore Roosevelt (1941). “Theodore Roosevelt Cyclopedia”
"The Collected Works of Theodore Parker: Historic Americans".