Left wing. Right wing. Chicken wing.
The proper reply to right wing religiosity is not to insist that politics and religion don't mix. This is the stock response of the left.
Most right-wing person I know!
I was a right winger into the 70s but I left the right in late 70s.
No, I do not identify with the right wing.
I reject that. I would rather recruit a Racist left winger than a right winger.
I'm for Barack Obama. We gotta have the Muslim cell in there just to piss Rush Limbaugh and the right wing off.
There's a right-wing shift in Israeli society, very hard right shift.
I'm not right wing, I'm not left wing. I love my country.
Right-wing extremism is all about patience. That is, until it makes its move, and then it is sudden and explosive.
The GOP/corporate right-wing, it seems, never really considers the consequences of their actions.
Most good art is left wing. It's a moot point whether there is any good right-wing art.
Of course I'm not a racist, but I'm certainly right wing, there's no question about that.
You can be sure that I won't experiment with right-wing terms.
Thats what the right-wing is good at: figuring out the left wing.
I've been having problems with the right wing lately.
I'm not left-wing, or right-wing. With only one wing I couldn't fly, and I just couldn't have that.