I don't think I would have been such a good runner if I hadn't enjoyed it.
I'm never going to run this again.
We (ultra runners) alternate between depression and stupidity.
You can't be a 20-mile a day eater if you're just a 5-mile a day runner.
You learn to run like a sprinter, you'll be a great distance runner
Often, I visualize a quicker, like almost a ghost runner, ahead of me with a quicker stride.
Prior to the 1976 Olympics, I was a 5,000m runner.
Deep down we are all still runners
I wouldn't say there was a moment of realization when I wanted to be a runner; it was always just something I was.
I am a better hitter with runners in scoring position.
In the beginning you likely say, 'I run.' With more confidence, you say, 'I am a runner.'
The main quality a great third base coach must have is a fast runner.
People would say I'm more polished as a passer than Tebow and Cam, but I'm not as physical a runner. But I am 6'2, 223, and I can throw with the best of them.
I'm a runner. I like to run.
A runner's stride is not perfectly efficient.
Runners are poor walkers.
Mistrust is the sure forerunner of hatred.
Certain signs are the forerunners of certain events.
Let's face it: I am not a professional runner.
A slow band can be great. A slow 100-metres runner is just obsolete.
You never see a smiling runner.
It's like a runner or a swimmer training all the time. I sing every day.
Ultimately, the best runners are the ones who are willing to work very hard but who have a little bit of a lazy streak in them.