Running Quotes - Page 197

Walter Benjamin, Peter Demetz (1986). “Reflections: essays, aphorisms, autobiographical writing”, Schocken
Vladimir Ilích Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin (1988). “What is to be done?”, Penguin Classics
1922 Jacob's Room, ch.6.
Virginia Woolf (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Virginia Woolf (Illustrated)”, p.1241, Delphi Classics
Viktor E. Frankl (2015). “Man's Search For Meaning, Gift Edition”, p.8, Beacon Press
Thomas Paine (2006). “Common Sense: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America”, p.25, Cosimo, Inc.
Sweet are the little brooks that run O'er pebbles glancing in the sun, Singing in soothing tones.
Thomas Hood, Francis James Child (1856). “The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood”, p.147
Theodore Roosevelt (2015). “Theodore Roosevelt on Bravery: Lessons from the Most Courageous Leader of the Twentieth Century”, p.51, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
Ted Nugent (2001). “God, Guns & Rock'N'Roll”, p.43, Regnery Publishing