
Say Anything Quotes - Page 11

I tweet because it allows me to say anything I want and sometimes people respond.

"The Showrunner Transcript: Cougar Town's Bill Lawrence and Kevin Biegel on the Show's Transformation and Masturbating Time Travelers". Interview with Josef Adalian, May 18, 2011.

I've never heard anybody in my family say anything but good things about Rick Perry.

"Jeb (still) not running, may endorse" by Alexander Burns, August 23, 2011.

I don't think anyone really says anything new.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

I've been a kind of a wildcatter. I've been able to say anything I wanted.

"Kemp Tries to Rein In His Words" by Frank Bruni, September 3, 1996.

What's amazing to me? General Electric has a bigger budget for - special interest budget than all of the oil companies combined, and yet nobody says anything.

"The Mad Corporate World of Glenn Beck". Interview with Norman Solomon, December 20, 2007.