
Sense Of Humor Quotes - Page 12

I usually tame my off-kilter sense of humor for novels.

I usually tame my off-kilter sense of humor for novels.

"The Saturday Rumpus Interview With Eden Robinson". Interview With Helga Schimkat, September 24, 2016.

Rosemary Rodriguez directed on Rescue Me for us, and I love her. She's fantastic with actresses and she's got a great sense of humor. That was a huge thing for me.

"Denis Leary on ‘Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll’ Season 2 and Playing Johnny Rock". Interview with Christina Radish, June 30, 2016.

Someone bent on suicide won't have much sense of humor left.

Chuck Palahniuk (1999). “Survivor: A Novel”, Anchor

He's got a great sense of humor for a guy who never says anything.

Cassandra Clare (2008). “City of Bones”, p.162, Simon and Schuster

I think a sense of humor is the most important thing anyone can have.

"The Evolution of Elegance". Interview with Renee Zellweger, September 15, 2016.