Serious Quotes - Page 18
Plutarch (1909). “Plutarch's Complete Works”
Paul Tillich, F. Forrester Church (1999). “The Essential Tillich”, p.72, University of Chicago Press
Martin Luther (1959). “What Luther says: an anthology”
There is a serious tendency toward capitalism among the well-to-do peasants.
Zedong Mao (1972). “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung”, p.32, China Books
Life is too short to make an over-serious business out of it.
Yutang Lin (1936). “The Little critic: essays, satires and sketches on China (first series: 1930-1932)”
The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February.
The Twelve Seasons: A Perpetual Calendar for the Country "February: The OneWe Could DoWithout" (1949)
The problem for me is that reading is, I won't say a sacred, but nevertheless a pretty serious act.
Joseph Epstein (1999). “Narcissus Leaves the Pool: Familiar Essays”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt