I've started to show the consistency in majors I had in regular tournaments back in 1998-2000 when I was contending nearly every week.
I'm not here to change the music world, but I'm definitely here to show what I can do and express myself through my music.
My biggest surprise of the year does involve Donald Trump and it involves his money. And I am one of the prominent disbelievers of his claims of wealth and how rich he was. He put out a press release before he did his financial disclosure form saying he made over $200 million from a TV show.If you know about the economics of televisions, that sounds impossible. I don`t believe it.
The best writers are gravitating to that world. What's rewarding also is this: you have a two hour movie, you can't really delve into character that much. In a TV show you can. You can delve into character. You can get into nitty gritty.
It's always a bit strange when you join a show in the second season.
I just don't know that a TV show demands a movie ending.
All TV shows are basically part of the same storyline.
I'm nice, and I show up on time.
Apparently the show happens even if I'm not there. Who knew?
I kept writing all these ballads; they're me speaking about life. But how am I gonna do the live show I wanna do if I don't have something I can dance to?
I posed nude to show my parents they couldn't dictate to me any more - that I control my life.
Even though you're in charge you're not completely in ownership. You know, the audience takes a huge ownership of your show.
No one automatically gives you respect just because you show up. You have to earn it
I would rather die than have my fans see me without a pair of heels on. And that's show business.
Sometimes directors get hired into TV shows, and it's so formulaic and they're a slave to whatever everybody wants them to do. But everyone came in with their own style, and it blended together with the Helix style that was set, and at the same time, they're bringing their own ideas and their own input. It was really fun working with all of them.
I'm so grateful to be living doing what I love. Whether it's acting in Films or TV shows or writing and directing my own projects.
I've been drawing all my life, just as a hobby, without really having shows or anything. It's just an agreeable thing to do, and I recommend it to everybody.
If I hold onto something it's because I want it not because I want to display it or show it to somebody else. I've got some cool stuff, I've got some cool things.
Show business is a great place to fail upward... and I guess that's what I've done.
So many funny things happen to me everyday I should have a TV show.
When I watch shows, what I gravitate to is serial. You need to come back, you need to know what's happening.
A hit show takes Hollywood magic indeed, but it also takes a lot of math and science, plus the study of polls and trends to make and sell a TV show.
Like the rabid fans of sports, the same goes for fans and their actors, TV shows and movies. You love what you love, and it bonds you with others who love the same thing.
I liken actors and movies and TV shows to football teams. We all have our favorite ones.
But you know, our show is our show, and it's not for everybody.