Every family in America knows they have to do a budget. Every small business in America knows they have to do a budget. Every local government, every state, knows they have to do a budget.
The marginal tax rate for high income earners is going up. Small businesses are no longer enjoying some of the exemption from payroll tax. Now there will be carbon taxes.
Never let your small business make you small-minded.
For those that are working part time, in small businesses, or who are unemployed and do not currently have health insurance, we want to make sure that you are covered.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy.
This nation's 23 million small businesses need a budget that reflects their value to the economy.
I represent the small businesses, the women, and the families working so hard to rebuild our communities.
I've built companies, I've created jobs, I know the frustration of small businesses with higher taxes.
If small business goes, big business does not have any future except to become the economic arm of a totalitarian state.
Small business is where jobs come from. Two-thirds of our jobs come from small businesses.
When you raise taxes on small business, from 35% to 40%, you will kill jobs.
We'll be passing tax relief for small business owners and working families across the country.
Small business is the backbone of our economy. I'm for big business, too. But small business is where the jobs are generated.
For small businesses, regulatory burdens can be overwhelming.
Estimates show that small businesses contribute 60-80 percent of the net new jobs annually.
Oftentimes, small business owners are unable to obtain reasonably priced financing and instead turn to higher priced forms of capital, such as credit cards.
You're a small business and you have to take care of yourself the way you would a small business and take care of yourself the way any small business owner would.
I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business.
In October 2008, when the credit crunch hit, small businesses were really crushed by the lack of capital.
Health care is the No. 1 concern of small businesses and the status quo is untenable.
Small businesses want things streamlined, and one of the great successes we're having is less paperwork, faster turnaround times.
Small businesses are really the engine in the economy.
Youve got to have a good public education system so small-business owners, when they locate to an area, are confident their kids are getting the best education possible. I feel strongly about local control in school districts.
Small business, right down to the individual can beat big, bureaucratic companies ten times out of ten.
Our commercial bank [JPMorgan] is only in the U.S. We are serving what you call SMEs - small businesses, private companies.