Sociology Quotes

The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.
Pierre Bourdieu, Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson (1999). “On Television”, p.17, The New Press
Pierre Bourdieu, John B. Thompson (1991). “Language and Symbolic Power”, p.207, Harvard University Press
"The bulletin of mathematical biophysics" by Anatol Rapoport, (p. 183), 1949.
Malcolm Bradbury (1978). “Eating people is wrong”, Vintage
1894 An Introduction to the Study of Society (with George E Vincent, 1894).
Graham Greene (1973). “The Collected Edition: The ministry of fear”
Social media is less about technology and more about anthropology, sociology, and ethnography.
Brian Solis (2011). “Engage!, Revised and Updated: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web”, p.3, John Wiley & Sons
Graham Greene (1973). “The Portable Graham Greene”
It is always of interest to know what strikes another human being as remarkable.
Graham Greene (1973). “The Collected Edition: The ministry of fear”
Oscar Wilde (2015). “The Picture of Dorian Gray (Diversion Classics)”, p.155, Diversion Books
The A J P Taylor (1980). “Politicians, Socialism, and Historians”, H. Hamilton
"Power, Politics, and People: The Collected Essays of C. Wright Mills". Book edited by Irving Louis Horowitz, 1963.
Russell Baker (2014). “So This is Depravity”, p.285, Diversion Books