
Song Quotes - Page 229

I'm doing more than just making songs for the radio. I want it to be a well rounded sounding experience.

I'm doing more than just making songs for the radio. I want it to be a well rounded sounding experience.

"Mario Interview: New Album “Paradise Cove”, Independent Label, Status Of Project With Scott Storch". Interview, September 28, 2016.

I have a song about how much I hate emojis and the lazy thinking of people who use them. I wish that more people had respect for the English language.

"Margaret Cho on why Yello’s “Oh Yeah” reminds her of sex clubs and John Hughes". Interview with Drew Fortune, March 2, 2016.

You can't ask me to explain the lyrics because I won't do it.

"Interviewing Lou Reed: Not a perfect day" by Simon Hattenstone, May 19, 2003.

In the garden of tabloid delight, there is always a clean towel and another song.

Lewis H. Lapham (1997). “Waiting for the Barbarians”, p.195, Verso