The Soviet Union has become the seacoast of the universe.
Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, people thought I wasn't funny anymore.
If I had to choose between life in the Soviet Union and life in the U. S. A. , I would certainly choose the Soviet Union.
A Russian Reversal quote on Uncyclopedia's Soviet Union article? How original.
Japan announced that it would not comply with this declaration [ 1956]. Later on, the Soviet Union also declared that the declaration could not be fulfilled unilaterally, by the USSR alone.
Or you can be like the Soviet Union, start out with ideals, and end up ceasing to exist.
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union by increasing armaments.
Would Colonel [Bernie] Sanders honeymoon in the Soviet Union?
More often than not, Americans and Westerners overestimated the power and capability of the Soviet Union.