Stop teaching students that they are the best and the brightest.
I always feel a bit trapped when a painting goes for millions of pounds and only one person can have it. If you can have that as well as a poster on every student's wall, then you're in a very enviable position. I'd like to do a Damien Hirst for £500 at some point.
I wasn't a very good student. I prefer to learn by experience.
An exceedingly confident student would in theory make a terrible student. Why would he take school seriously when he feels that he can outwit his teachers?
I always say to my students, if you can do anything other than writing and be happy, then you should.
Areas with lots of college students/young people can be a minefield, so I tend to avoid them.
I was terrible student. I was capable, but I never like being told what to do, so I was always in the bottom class at school. In Australia, a lot of students study to the end of year 10, but don't go on to the final year, and I was asked to leave the school because they just thought I wasn't performing well enough. I used to sneak off to play piano, and defy the rules of the school.
I feel like I am in turbo mode as a student of entertainment.
Master those books you have. Read them thoroughly. Bathe in them until they saturate you. Read and re-read them...digest them...a student will find that his mental constitution is more affected by one book thoroughly mastered than by 20 books he has merely skimmed.
It's very hard to remain a student in life.
We need to understand where are students are at any point during a unit - in other words, what each student actually knows, understands, and can do at a given time based on the content goals we've established.
It's the student who makes the teacher, not the other way around.
At first I intended to become a student of the Senate rules and I did learn much about them, but I soon found that the Senate hadbut one fixed rule, subject to exceptions of course, which was to the effect that the Senate would do anything it wanted to do whenever it wanted to do it.
As a student, I wrote English reports on science fiction.
General Custer was a close observer and student of personal character.
Every moment you are open, as a humble student, you are surrounded with infinite possibilities of choice.
I went to school to be a psychiatrist. That's where I was going until I had a teacher-student conference with one of my teachers and there were film school pamphlets, and he said, "You don't belong here. Get out. Go to film school."
While there are many obstacles that deter students from going to college, finances by no means should be the deciding factor.
Your backpack is a part of your identity as a student.
In school, I guess I was a difficult, know-it-all type of student... I was always complaining that music education was too academic.
My students are constantly amazing me.
A child who is disciplined will be more obedient and also more organized as a student.
I taught. I lectured at universities. I spoke to my students. I spoke in certain public forums. But what I didn't do was respond to microphones being thrust in my face and saying, what is your relationship with Obama and are you an unrepentant terrorist?
Students for a Democratic Society was also affiliated with the civil rights movement everywhere.
[Students for a Democratic Society] it's a social democratic program.