
Damien Hirst Quotes

All Quotes Art Immortality Painting

I just wanted to find out where the boundaries were. So far I've found there aren't any. I just wanted to be stopped, and no one will stop me.

"You can puff all you like Damien, but the wind's gone out of Britart" by Nicola Kuhn, March 16, 1999.

When we are no longer children, we are already dead.

"Damien Hirst's former business manager puts art collection up for sale" by Maev Kennedy, June 18, 2018.

For me, art is always a kind of theater.

Interview with Anthony Haden-Guest, November 23, 2008.

I used to believe I was going to live forever. And then you suddenly become aware that you're not.

Interview with Anthony Haden-Guest, November 23, 2008.