
Sufferers Quotes

He who thinks he is the doer is also the sufferer.

He who thinks he is the doer is also the sufferer.

Maharshi Ramana, Swami Saraswati Ramananda (1963). “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”

Bad luck is usually transmitted by close proximity to habitual sufferers.

Irvine Welsh (1995). “The Acid House”, p.41, W. W. Norton & Company

I know that we will be the sufferers if we let great wrongs occur without exerting ourselves to correct them.

Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (2009). “My Day: The Best of Eleanor Roosevelt's Acclaimed Newspaper Columns, 1936-1962”, p.83, Da Capo Press

Some one is generally sure to be the sufferer by a joke.

William Hazlitt (1845). “Lectures on the English Poets”

Who would not rather be the sufferer than the defrauder?

"The Works of Samuel Richardson: With a Sketch of His Life and Writings".

If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also.

Robert Louis Stevenson (2010). “Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde”, p.53, Bibliolis Books

I am the fool, and must be the sufferer, if it be not of God.

Joanna Southcott (1813). “Copies of letters sent to the clergy of Exeter. 1813. A communication sent in a letter to the Reverend Mr. P. in 1797. [1814] A dispute between the woman and the powers of darkness. 2d ed. 1813. The answer of the Lord to the powers of darkness. 2d ed. 1813. A caution and instruction to the sealed. 1807. A warning to the world. [1804] The strange effects of faith. 2d ed. 1801”