Most of the e-mails I get nowadays are from students who ask me how I got my start. In truth its from having a really supportive family but also having a good patron who will help you - like financing all those early trips I took.
The Democrat Party has had a friendly, supportive relationship with every communist regime on this planet in my lifetime. And now all of a sudden their buddies, the Soviets, i.e., Putin and the Russians, have abandoned them and are now sabotaging them for the purpose of election.
How is it possible that in just the last ten years all of these things which were taboo throughout our culture, throughout the culture, things that were taboo are now not only normal but celebrated, and people who were not really supportive of them are called kooks and the new weirdos?
My pets are very supportive, as they curl up in their beds underneath my desk.
Steve [King] has been incredibly supportive. He's also really good about getting back to me when I have questions about plot or characterization.
I have great friends. That's key for me for: surrounding myself with people who are supportive and kind.
I think we have to continue to protect women on social media, who are coming out in a world that can still be very harsh towards them, so that they do not feel that they are alone. And of course, some of these attacks happen on social media, so we do need to provide a counter narrative - a supportive narrative - so that the voices of those that are punitive towards women does not become the dominant voice.
Yes, when they're buying there are more buyers in the market and that's supportive of the price. The more buyers you have, the firmer the price is going to be. When central banks were selling it was a headwind the market had to overcome. Now it's a tailwind that central banks are joining the buyers.
Maintain your relationships - for all kinds of reasons, friends are vital. Good friends, supportive friends, friends who won't judge you or try to take advantage of you.
I had to cope with attitudes that were not supportive all along. I mean, you still have that.
At age 12, I was put on tranquilizers when I should have gotten help. There was nothing major and awful, I just didn't feel my family was supportive and emotionally generous
Steven's [Sebring] presence was not threatening; he told me that if I never wanted the footage to be seen by anyone, he would give it to me. So I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, and what I gained was his supportive energy and the supportive energy of his wife, who was sometimes the one schlepping the equipment or doing the sound.
Organization and education, when they interact with each other, they strengthen each other, they are mutually supportive.
... the media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly.
My mom was incredibly supportive when she found out that I wanted to be an actress, and that certainly made things easier and more fun.
My family, they're not really that involved in what I do. Career-wise, they're very supportive. They're involved after the fact. I don't tell them anything usually until I'm finished filming it or mid-way through filming it.
I've been very lucky to work with a lot of amazingly supportive directors.
I'm very supportive of creative people being paid for the work that they do.
I grew up in a household without a lot of problems and they have been very supportive from day one
The enthusiasm for [Donald] Trump had gone up. The net result was it made people more supportive of him.
I am extremely lucky that I have a husband who is so supportive. He's not in the slightest bit jealous or worried about the things I do in certain scenes.
My friend is having his period," I told the pizza guy, and handed him his tip. "He needs Britney and extra cheese to get him through it. I'm trying to be supportive.
My immediate family was always very supportive. It was my own fear of the rest of the world not accepting me, the rest of our society not accepting my wish to be an actor.
The people I worked with were supportive, and I'm flattered that you would call what I did 'acting.'
My parents were very supportive when I was growing up and have been all the way through.