Teaching Quotes - Page 96

The word doctrine, as used in the Bible, means teaching of duty, not theory.
George MacDonald (1994). “An expression of character: the letters of George MacDonald”, Eerdmans Pub Co
Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt (1798). “The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. To which are Added an Essay on His Language and Versification, and an Introductory Discourse Together with Notes and a Glossary”, p.17
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1995). “The Essential Franklin Delano Roosevelt”, Gramercy
Frank McCourt (2005). “Teacher Man: A Memoir”, p.26, Simon and Schuster
We never completely escape the teachers of our childhood nor any of the patterns that formed us.
Frank Herbert (1987). “Heretics of Dune”, p.316, Penguin
Letter to Archbishop J J Degenhardt, 1992.
Ellen G. White (1963). “Medical Ministry”, p.94, Pacific Press Publishing
Elias HICKS (1861). “Letters of E. Hicks, including also observations on the slavery of the Africans, etc”, p.46
Edward Mayhew (1864). “The Illustrated Horse Management: Containing Descriptive Remarks Upon Anatomy, Medicine, Shoeing, Teeth, Food, Vices, Stables : Likewise a Plain Account of the Situation, Nature and Value of the Various Points : Together with Comments on Grooms, Dealers, Breeders, Breakers and Trainers : Also, on Carriages and Harness”, p.10