Technology Quotes - Page 148
Marshall McLuhan, W. Terrence Gordon, Elena Lamberti, Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (2011). “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man”, p.330, University of Toronto Press
Marshall McLuhan (1964). “Understanding media: the extensions of man”
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel (1996). “The medium is the massage: an inventory of effects”, Hardwired
One key ingredient to successful technology integration is not forgetting the autonomy and the fun.
Mark Barnes (2014). “Teaching the iStudent: A Quick Guide to Using Mobile Devices and Social Media in the K-12 Classroom”, p.29, Corwin Press
Marianne Curley (2009). “Old Magic”, p.148, Simon and Schuster
Maria V. Snyder (2012). “Inside: Inside Out\Outside In”, p.273, Harlequin
Never believe that technology alone will allow America to prevail as a superpower.
"Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World". Book by Margaret Thatcher (p. 47), April 16, 2002.
Margaret Atwood (2006). “Writing with Intent: Essays, Reviews, Personal Prose: 1983-2005”, p.92, Basic Books