Tickets Quotes - Page 2

I'm not sayin' she's a bragger, but if you've been to Paradise, she's got a season ticket.
Willy Russell (2016). “Willy Russell Plays: 2: Blood Brothers; Our Day Out - The Musical; Shirley Valentine; John, Paul, George, Ringo . . . and Bert”, p.248, Bloomsbury Publishing
Charles Bukowski (2009). “sifting through the madness for the word, the line, the way: New Poems”, p.105, Zondervan
Marcel Proust (1970). “The past recaptured”, Random House (NY)
Mark Twain (1992). “Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches & Essays: 1891-1910”
Kate Douglas Wiggin (2005). “Penelope's Progress”, p.8, Cosimo, Inc.
Jeffrey Archer (2014). “Be Careful What You Wish For”, p.96, Pan Macmillan
'Bagpipe Music' (1938)
It’s not God that I don’t accept, Alyosha, only I most respectfully return him the ticket.
Fyodor Dostoevsky (2015). “The Brothers Karamazov”, p.373, First Avenue Editions