
Titles Quotes - Page 15

I do want to do the entire alphabet. There's in [Walker's Alphabet] a poem called "A Life" in that grouping. I was going to change that title to "A."

"Walking with Her Muse: An Interview with Shirley Geok-lin Lim". Contemporary Women's Writing, Volume 8, Issue 2, 1 July 2014, Pages 123 - 135, June 22, 2013.

I find coming up with a title the hardest part of writing a novel.

"A Conversation with Sara Shepard, Author of The Visibles". Simon & Schuster Interview,

Focus on the impact you make versus the title you have.

FaceBook post by Robin Sharma from Oct 05, 2014

The river of my title is a river of DNA, a river of information, not a river of bones and tissues

Richard Dawkins (1995). “River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life”, Basic Books (AZ)

Total openness to serving others is our hallmark, it alone is our title of honour!

Pope Francis' homily to the Holy Mass with the new Cardinals at Vatican Basilica, February 15, 2015.