Alphabet Quotes
"HBO Special", 1985.
I would rather write 10,000 notes than a single letter of the alphabet.
Ludwig Van Beethoven, John Trie (2017). “Ludwig Van Beethoven for Classical Guitar - Tablature: Arranged for Guitar by John Trie”, p.31, BoD - Books on Demand
Hubert Selby Jr. (2017). “The Demon”, p.5, Penguin UK
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel (1996). “The medium is the massage: an inventory of effects”, Hardwired
Mark Twain (2013). “Autobiography of Mark Twain”, p.268, Univ of California Press
"Laws of Media: The New Science". Book by Marshall McLuhan, p. 15, 1988.
Edgard Varèse lecture, edited by Chou Wen-Chung, published in: "391", Nr. 5. Translated by Louise Varèse; Quoted in: "Classic Essays on Twentieth-Century Music: A Continuing Symposium" (1996), June 17, 1917.
Anatole France (1924). “The Works of Anatole France”
"Laws of Media: The New Science". Book by Marshall McLuhan, co-written with Eric McLuhan, p.74, 1988.
"Mill on the Floss". Volume I,