Triumph Quotes - Page 6
Henry de Montherlant (1960). “Selected Essays”, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson
George Orwell (2009). “Critical Essays”
Charles Wesley, John Wesley, Samuel Wesley (1855). “The Wesleyan Psalter: a poetical version of nearly the whole Book of Psalms”, p.120
Thus the negative perception is the triumph of consciousness.
Russell L. Kleinbach, Karl Marx, Alfred North Whitehead (1982). “Marx via process: Whitehead's potential contribution to Marxian social theory”
Success is the doing, not the getting - in the trying, not the triumph.
"The Subconscious Diet : It's Not What You Put in Your Mouth; It Is What You Put in Your Mind" by Hugh B. Sanders, (p. 104), 2005.
Marcel Proust (2003). “In Search of Lost Time: Finding Time Again”, ePenguin
Mao Zedong (2017). “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (The Little Red Book) & Other Works”, p.27,
"Karel Čapek: Life and Work". Book by Ivan Klima, 2002.
Man is unjust, but God is just; and finally justice triumphs.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, J. D. McClatchy (2000). “Poems and Other Writings”, p.70, Library of America
The spiritualization of sensuality is called love: it is a great triumph over Christianity.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Duncan Large (2008). “Twilight of the Idols”, p.22, Oxford University Press
Emma Goldman (2016). “Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1926”, p.74, PM Press
1758 'Lo! He Comes'. In Hymns of Intercession for all Mankind.
Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Donna Lee Toney (2011). “Billy Graham in Quotes”, p.88, Thomas Nelson Inc
Alexis de Tocqueville (2012). “Democracy in America”, p.159, University of Chicago Press
Truman Capote (2012). “Breakfast at Tiffany's”, p.38, Vintage