I think that Donald Trump has capitalized and prayed on people's fears.
I think Donald Trump is a bigot and a misogynist.
Trump's rise is troubling not just on an American level but on an international level.
There are inconsistencies in Donald Trump's ideology.
Trump says that if he's elected, he won't let the presidency interfere with the Miss Universe pageant.
Even though [Donald] Trump is reported to not read very much and to have a limited range of experience, he is often certain that he is right and boldly asserts the correctness of his positions.
During the primaries, if another candidate criticized him, [Donald] Trump would respond with even stronger criticism toward his attacker.
[Donald] Trump has said that he would do away with the Iran Deal negotiated by the U.S. and five of its allies with Iran, and yet he recently backed away from vowing to scrap the Iran Deal for now.
A lot will depend on who [Donald] Trump chooses for key cabinet positions, but even more will depend on his consultations with his key advisor (himself).
Donald Trump doesn't believe in much, doesn't want to do much.
Each time that Donald Trump promises to come forward with something, when you actually get to the point of disclosure it seems as though there's a lot less that was promised for the press and particularly for the public to understand.
Donald Trump appalls me. I won't be shy about that.
It's part of Donald Trump's psychodynamics to always care about his press coverage intensely. He's more interested in that than anything else.
There is the English language and then there's the Trump language.
Donald Trump is sitting on the control deck of the starship Enterprise, and he can push a lot of pretty buttons, but those buttons aren't connected to anything. And so nothing is happening.
People who don't like Trump really don't like Trump. And I guess I'm among them.
Maybe you're willing to tolerate a lot of bigotry from Donald Trump if you say, just change things, just change things.
Donald Trump's being authentic to what he ran on and what got elected.
If you thought Donald Trump was going to be swallowed up by the conventional Republican Party or by Washington, you were wrong.
We don't know yet but so far the three candidates that have dealt with [Donald] Trump most adeptly are [Ted] Cruz, [Chris] Christie, and [Marco] Rubio. But they've all avoided him in one form or another.
What's exquisitely weird about the Donald Trump/Judge [Gonzalo] Curiel formulation is that this isn't even a case about race.
Being banned from UK will be minor irritant for [Donald] Trump, but catastrophic for local community around Turnberry.
I don't know of a greater privilege than being allowed to tell a story, or to listen to a story. They're the only thing we have that can trump life itself.
The sad thing about Trump is that everybody is secretly really relieved he got elected, of the people I know - the professional left and academic left.
[Donald] Trump is most comfortable when he is hammering something.