
Colum McCann Quotes

The world spins. We stumble on. It is enough.

The world spins. We stumble on. It is enough.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let the Great World Spin: A Novel”, p.349, Random House

The thing about love is that we come alive in bodies not our own.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.237, Bloomsbury Publishing

Good days, they come around the oddest corners.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.71, Bloomsbury Publishing

I write about what I know; and I write about things that are new to me, and that I didn't know before.

"Colum McCann Links Communities With Storytelling". "Talk of the Nation" with Neal Conan, June 26, 2012.

There's a part of me that thinks perhaps we go on existing in a place even after we've left it.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.263, Bloomsbury Publishing

The world does not turn without moments of grace. Who cares how small.

Colum McCann (2013). “TransAtlantic”, p.205, Bloomsbury Publishing

The luxury of age was the giving up of vanity.

Colum McCann (2013). “TransAtlantic”, p.119, A&C Black

I sit there thinking about how much courage it takes to live an ordinary life.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.49, Bloomsbury Publishing

The point of flight. To get rid of oneself. That was reason enough to fly.

Colum McCann (2013). “TransAtlantic: A Novel”, p.31, Random House

We have to admire the world for not ending on us.

Colum McCann (2013). “TransAtlantic: A Novel”, p.281, Random House

It was a silence that heard itself, awful and beautiful.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.5, Bloomsbury Publishing

The repeated lies become history, but they don't necessarily become the truth.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.114, Bloomsbury Publishing

Life must pass through difficulty in order to achieve any modicum of beauty.

Colum McCann (2009). “Let The Great World Spin”, p.128, Bloomsbury Publishing