I can sing in front of people. I can go on a TV show, live, and not feel like I'm going to throw up.
Writing pilots is such a specific thing. It's not even really writing TV shows. A pilot is its own beast.
I started out dancing on a reality TV show, but always with the intention of making my way over to film. I transitioned into the film world by doing certain things that my fans had been used to seeing me do. My dancing and singing gave me the confidence to act.
I download TV shows more and more, especially from the US.
Doing a half-hour TV show is a dream
The schedule of doing a live TV show every week is very difficult.
I think that it's just extremely rare to see any kind of TV show that's completely written by one person, regardless of what any showrunner will tell you.
When you're recording a TV show, you really feel like you're in a bubble.
Most people get their politics, obviously, from TV shows about senators or movies about them or... all the day-to-day press and the talk shows.
Something economically changed. It used to be that you needed 20 million people to watch a TV show for it to be a hit. Now, with just a few million people watching, you're considered very successful, for a lot of these streaming services, or cable channels. Now, that allows people to do much more creatively ambitious work, because it's not lowest common denominator.
I've seen [Trump] appear in a film or a TV show cameo or the tabloids, and he's a grotesquely distasteful human being and always has been, always made me want to take a shower.
There are certain TV shows that probably would have made me rich, and there are certain commitments I could have made that probably would have raised a lot of eyebrows that I didn't. But I don't look back at those decisions and say, 'Oh God, I'm such an idiot.
TV show is always challenging. It's challenging when you have all of the time and money in the world, and it's more challenging when you have less money.
I have been sent three or four scripts for television series, but there wasn't anything I really wanted to do. I want to tell a good story, whether it's a TV show, a movie, whatever. That's really my No. 1 criteria.
The thing about working on a TV show is that it becomes, very quickly, all consuming.
I was sad Jon Ronson, who wrote in the Guardian and has made a TV show for Channel 4, took against me.
I've always got five or six things that would either make a good feature or TV show. And you just never know. You go and you pitch and it may be exactly what they're looking for, or they may stop you after two sentences and say, "Oh, we've already done something just like that."
Directors, like actors, get typecast. And because I've had great success with comedy and horror and TV shows, that's basically what I'm kind of offered.
Hosting a TV show is a full-time job in which success is defined by it never ending.
I have to be careful of what TV shows I choose, particularly ones that have commercials in them, because it's going to be a different kind of television show.
One of the really nice things about having the time to do a movie is that you can fine tune it. With TV, you really need A-level people to make a good TV show because it's moving so fast.
I was able to make the jump to theaters without having a TV show. My passion for getting a TV show just plummeted. It was like I had already achieved what I wanted to achieve.
I don't want to be a TV star for the sake of being on TV. I want to have a TV show that's based around my comedy.
We set ourselves up for it with the reality show. You've seen me and Nick go at each other's throats on TV. They've got all these people giving their opinions on our marriage and how we handle it when they are watching an edited TV show.
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?