Going out hanging out with the troops, and you know it's kind of all summed up in the TV show, I don't what else I can say about it. It's a great thing to do, something I'm definitely proud of.
One of my complaints with American TV characters is that they all have a particular schtick, a hook.
I don't sit around and read papers about myself. If I see myself on TV, if I don't like it, I change the channel.
If I thought someone was just chatting me up because of being on TV, it'd kill me.
I suppose when some people see you on TV, they expect you to be this flamboyant, champagne-drinking stud. But I'm not like that.
I've done TV and I've done film, and I'm not snobby about it. It's about the project.
I don't think there are huge divergences between my personality and what they see on TV. And I think that's why I have been gainfully employed doing this. I'll always deliver what an employer wants.
If there's something that you hear on TV about me, just call me and I'll tell you if it's true.
What brought me into the TV business is what keeps me here and happy. You can learn something new every day if you have a really positive attitude.
You'd be naive if you think you are going to retain any control once you option a character to TV.
I don't like doing movies, period. Movies are hard. I like TV.
My guilty pleasure is reality TV, as I am really nosey.
I like to be on TV when interviewers are good. I like it especially when it's live. When they can cut things, I don't like it as much. Sometimes they cut something and say, "Well, you would get in trouble, you would get a lawsuit." I tell them, "Well, I don't want my lawyers to be unemployed."
Television really has been my vehicle. I don't get played on the radio much, so I've relied on TV a lot.
If I was roped into a seven-year TV contract I'd probably hang myself.
I hadn't really even been thinking about TV. To me, it seemed like such a commitment, almost like a marriage.
With movies and TV, storytelling, it's a different medium. I really love it, but I'm one part of many, many pieces of that puzzle and a lot of it is out of my control.
At the Golden Globes, they put all the bigger stars in the front; the movie stars in the front, TV actors in the back. But even as a movie star, you can be outseated by a bigger star in any given year. It's kind of hilarious. You have to take it in stride.
TV is a much more female-friendly environment.
I download TV shows more and more, especially from the US.
Theater makes working in movies or TV seem like a cake-walk.
Doing a half-hour TV show is a dream
The schedule of doing a live TV show every week is very difficult.
I think that it's just extremely rare to see any kind of TV show that's completely written by one person, regardless of what any showrunner will tell you.
When you're recording a TV show, you really feel like you're in a bubble.