
Two Quotes - Page 189

In philosophy, as in politics, the longest distance between two points is a straight line.

In philosophy, as in politics, the longest distance between two points is a straight line.

Will Durant (2012). “Story of Philosophy”, p.330, Simon and Schuster

Satan can only attack us from the outside in. He may work through the lust and sensations of the body or through the mind and emotion of the soul, for those two belong to the outward man.

Watchman Nee (1993). “The Finest of the Wheat, vol 2 - Hardcover: Selected Excerpts from the Published Works of Watchman Nee”, p.69, Christian Fellowship Publishers

Every day that goes by, I mean, if you don't react to Pearl Harbor for a week or two weeks or three weeks, you're behind in the war that you otherwise would have fought.

"Warren Buffett: I Haven't Seen As Much Economic Fear In My Adult Lifetime". Interview With Charlie Rose, October 1, 2008.

I don't want to spend the next two years in Holiday Inns.

1976 On withdrawing from the presidential campaign.

Do you know what friendship is... it is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.

Victor Hugo (2015). “Notre-Dame de Paris: Classic French Literature”, p.92, 谷月社

The world is shaped by two things — stories told and the memories they leave behind.

Vera Nazarian (2004). “Dreams of the Compass Rose”, p.175, Wildside Press LLC